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numbers 1-3

numbers 1-3

1 week (5 days) of planning for young children. 5 fun and engaging starter activities for each lesson and a focus group or main activity for the week. what it will cover: recognising and finding numbers 1, 2 3. subitise numbers 1, 2 3 and represent numbers 1, 2, 3. Main activity involves numicons and worksheet provisional activities that link with the topic for each areas of the room i.e. maths area, sand area, construction area, fine motor.
Maths – Compare Size, Mass and Capacity

Maths – Compare Size, Mass and Capacity

1 week (5 days) of planning for young children. 5 fun and engaging starter activities for each lesson and a focus group or main activity for the week. first start activity:compare big and small second: short and long third: mass fourth: scales mass fifth: Capacity provisional activities that link with the topic for each areas of the room i.e. maths area, sand area, construction area, fine motor.
Math – Copy, continue and create repeated patterns.

Math – Copy, continue and create repeated patterns.

1 week (5 days) of planning for young children. 5 fun and engaging starter activities for each lesson and a focus group or main activity for the week. activities to provide children with the knowledge and understanding of creating patterns and continuing an AB pattern provisional activities that link with the topic for each areas of the room i.e. maths area, sand area, construction area, fine motor.